Public Communal Firm "Vodokanal" was founded by the Decision of the City National Council Sombor No. 03-331/1 since January 1961.
As a Communal Institution "Vodokanal" had the task to do the construction and the maintenance of the public water system and sewerage in the city of Sombor.

Today Public Communal Firm "Vodokanal" is the institution with the lonf year experience of the employed, of modern and available equipment and to the citizens it provides:

  • quality water supply
  • conducting away and refinement of the used water
  • performing the construction works on the building of water system and the sewererage.
Production of water is performed on CSV "Jaros" from 14 wells of the second water layer and the plant for the preparation of drinking water, 8 subartesian wells in town and 9 subartesian wells in inhabited places. Water system net is of about 210 km of total length...


Conducting away and refinement of the used waters make the separate system of the used and atmospheric waters, public sewerage nets of the about 135 km length, of the total 23 overinflate pump stations, UPOV capacity 180,000 ES, 16.000 m3 of water...


Management consists of Administrative Board which has 9 members, Inspecting Commettee of 3 members and the Expert Board. It is employed about 100 workers. The firm owns its own integral informatic system...

Organizational scheme

In the following period the works on the modernization of the whole system of PCF Vodokanal are planned. Dynamics will depend on the available means which are conditioned by the prices of water, financed by the Town of Sombor, foreign credits, donations...


PCF "VODOKANAL" performs its basic activity, refines and delivers drinking water, conducts away and refines liquid wastes at the prices according to the Decisions of the Executive Board of the Municipal Assebly Sombor.

We perform all kinds of construction and transportation services, using well equipped machine park as well the skills and experience of the construction executive body workers. In our own gauging we perform the service gauging of water meter up to 6/4". By special vehicles we perform uncloging and cleaning of faecal and atmosphere sewerage.

Works on the construction of the water system and sewerage net are one of the main incomes of PCF Vodokanal.